Fig. 3.
PrepaCyte-CB gives the greatest recovery of T Cells (CD45+/CD3+) and B Cells (CD45+/CD19+). (A) Recovery of T Cells (CD45+ /CD3+) was greater with PrepaCyte-CB at 71.84% (SD±18.06) than plasma depletion; 65.54% (SD±35.0), Sepax; 65.26% (SD±35.19) Hetastarch; 56.85% (SD±23.79) and density gradient separation methods 36.62% (SD±26.32). (B) Recovery of B Cells (CD45+/CD19+) was greater with PrepaCyte-CB at 75.68% (SD±24.0) than Sepax; 71.75% (SD±16.84), plasma depletion; 71.74% (SD±8.66) Hetastarch; 46.47% (SD±25.69) and density gradient separation methods 19.13% (SD±10.88). However, results are only significant when compared to HES (p=<0.05).