Representative images of coronal hypothalamic sections are shown from (A) naïve control mouse, (B) after single restraint stress, (C) after repeated restraint stress, (D–E) after LPS administration at 3 and 6 hrs, respectively, and (F) after combined restrain and LPS treatment. Note the increase in the number of d4EGFP-positive cells after different repeated stress paradigms (C–F). White dashed lines outline medial and lateral magnocellular subdivisions of the PVN. The d4EGFP signal (G) overlaps with corticotropin-releasing hormone immunoreactivity (H) in the majority of d4EGFP-positive neurons as seen on a single-plane confocal image (I). Scale bars = 200μm (panels A–F), 40 μm (panels G–I). Abbreviations: 3v – third ventricle, LM and MM - lateral and medial magnocellular subdivisions of the PVN (Paxinos and Franklin, 2003).