Water entry is necessary for IL-1β release in macrophages. Release of IL-1β by lung macrophages (LM) (a) or peritoneal macrophages (PM) (b) primed with LPS (0.1 μg/ml, overnight) and subsequently exposed or not exposed to ATP (5 mm) with addition or no addition of NaCl to the medium (415 mosmol/kg H2O). n = 4 replicates/condition. c, release of IL-1β by peritoneal macrophages exposed or not exposed to ATP (5 mm) with addition or no addition of mannitol to the medium (200 mm). n = 3 or 4. d, mitochondrial activity assessed by optical density (OD) of reduced WST-1 and release of IL-6 by lung macrophages exposed or not exposed to ATP (5 mm) with addition or no addition of NaCl to the medium (e). n = 3 or 4. Data are means ± S.E. ***, p < 0.001 upon exposure to hypotonic ATP with or without NaCl or mannitol addition; ns, no significant difference. p values were calculated by Student Newman-Keuls test.