Deletion of the GLD2 binding domain in Musashi-1 compromises Musashi-mediated oocyte maturation.
A, oocytes were injected with antisense oligonucleotides targeting endogenous Musashi-1 and Musashi-2. Following incubation, the oocytes were left untreated or re-injected with mRNA encoding wild-type (WT) or deletion mutant Δ190–272 of Xenopus Musashi-1 and allowed to express the protein prior to being stimulated to mature with progesterone. The Δ190–272 Musashi mutant protein is significantly compromised for rescue. The data represent three experiments. The Western panel inset demonstrates expression of the introduced Musashi rescue proteins. UI, uninjected, no rescue protein. * indicates p < 0.05. B, oocytes were injected with antisense oligonucleotides as described in A and subsequently re-injected with WT or Δ190–234 mutant mouse Musashi-1. The deletion mutant protein is significantly compromised for rescue of GVBD. * indicates p < 0.05.