Hgf-stimulated phosphorylation of Lrp5/6 is independent of Wnt. A, MPT cells were pre-incubated with Dkk1 or vehicle, followed by stimulation with vehicle, Wnt3a, or Hgf for 10 min followed by immunoblotting for pLrp6 Ser-1490 and total Lrp6. B, densitometric quantification of three separate experiments in A using pLrp6 Ser-1490 normalized to total Lrp6. (**, p < 0.01 for control + Dkk1 versus control; ***, p < 0.001 for Hgf versus control and Wnt3a versus control; $, p = NS for Hgf + Dkk1 versus Hgf; #, p < 0.01 for Wnt + Dkk1 versus Wnt alone). C, MPT cells were pre-incubated with the Met inhibitor PHA-665752 or vehicle, followed by stimulation ±Hgf for 10 min followed by immunoblotting for pLrp6 Ser-1490, total Lrp6, pMet, total Met, and β-actin. D, densitometric quantification of four separate experiments as in C with pLrp6 Ser-1490 normalized to total Lrp6 (**, p < 0.01 for Hgf versus control and #, p < 0.01 for Hgf + PHA-665752 versus Hgf alone). E and F, immunoblots of pLrp6 Thr-1572 and pLrp6 Ser-1607 from cells treated as in C.