Figure 2.
Gene expression profiling of monocyte-derived and tissue macrophage-derived AAMs. (A) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of transcriptional profiles, displayed as a heat map of log-transformed expression values, from FACS-purified (CD11b+F4/80+) macrophages of mice untreated (Res) or treated with IL-4c alone (IL-4c) or thioglycollate alone (Thio) or Thio and IL-4c (Thio+IL-4c). (B) Comparison of probe expression for AAMs induced by IL-4c alone or Thio+IL-4c, indicating that most genes are differentially expressed. (C) Heat map of log-transformed expression values for a subset of genes associated with AAMs. (D) Venn diagrams showing the overlap of genes up-regulated and down-regulated by IL-4 in monocyte-derived (Thio+IL-4c vs Thio) compared with tissue-derived AAMs (IL-4c vs resident). List of genes are shown in Tables 1 to 8.