Fig. 1.
Illustrations of the exterior and interior features of (a) HMII and (b) HA5 and (c) Flow-loop for the in vitro experiments. The exterior features of HMII (a)i and HA5 (b)i; the length of the VADs are 71 mm and 81 mm, and the maximum diameter are 30 mm and 43 mm for HA5 and HMII, respectively. The interior features and the detailed components of HMII (a)ii and HA5 (b)ii; both VADs share similar overall design, which encloses the stationary flow straightener and diffuser, a single rotational impeller—both impellers actuated via electromagnetic fields. The flow straighteners for both VADs are composed of three blades, 120 deg apart. The spinning direction of the impeller of HMII and HA5 are opposite. 90 ml of flow-loops (c) were assembled for the in vitro experiments, consisting of two tube segments with inner diameter of 1/2" connected to the VADs, and a segment of flow-resistor-tube, with the inner diameter of 1/4", was connected to the flow-tubes with two tapered flow reducers, combining in series two reducing connectors (1/4"–3/8" and 3/8"–1/2").