IL-6 produced by Ag-presenting DC in response to CpG-B adjuvantation promotes Tfh-cell differentiation.
A Seven days after s.c. immunisation with 40 μg of 1W1K in IFA or IFA+CpG-B, dLN were collected and analysed for 1W1K-specific Tfh cells (1W1K-IAb+CD62Llo CXCR5+) after treatment with anti-IL-6Rα mAb or isotype control (Rat IgG2b) (n = 5/group, mean ± s.e.m.). Frequency of Tfh among 1W1K-specific CD4+ T cells was estimated.
B, C Twenty-one days after s.c. immunisation with 100 μg of NP-OVA in IFA or IFA+CpG-B, dLN were collected and analysed for NP+ GC-B cells (NP+CD138−B220+GL-7+CD95+) (B) and serum was collected for ELISA detection of NP8-specific IgG (C) (nd, not detected).
D Eight weeks after reconstitution, chimeric CD11c-DTR (70%) + C57Bl/6 (30%) → C57Bl/6 (C57Bl/6) and CD11cDTR (70%) + IL-6−/− (30%) → C57Bl/6 (IL-6−/−) mice were s.c. immunised with 1W1K in IFA or IFA+CpG-B. Frequency of Tfh among 1W1K-specific CD4+ T cells in dLN 9 days after s.c. immunisation from IFA-immunised chimeric mice treated three times with DTx (n = 4/group, mean ± s.e.m.). Data are representative of at least three independent experiments. ns, nonsignificant; *P < 0.05; **P ≤ 0.01; ***P ≤ 0.005.