Figure 6. Significant reduction of HMGA1 protein correlates with enhanced expression of hsa-miR-765 in fulvestrant-treated clinical PCa specimens.
(A) Higher level of hsa-miR-765 is detected in fulvestrant-treated clinical PCa specimens. Relative fold changes between expression of hsa-miR-765 in the fulvestrant-treated (n = 7) and untreated (n = 7) clinical specimen are presented. Student's t-test was performed to determine significance between two groups. *p<0.05; bar = S.E.M. (B) Nuclear expression of HMGA1 and AR is reduced in fulvestrant-treated clinical PCa specimens. HMGA1 immunostaining was performed in the clinical PCa specimens from the fulvestrant-treated (n = 5) and untreated (n = 5) patients. Representative micrographs (100×) are shown. In upper panel, a magnified view (400×) of a selected region (dashed rectangle) in each micrograph is shown as a small insert to show the immunostaining of HGMA1 in the nuclei of Gleason grade 3/4 cancer foci. Imunnopositivity of nuclear AR is reduced in fulvestrant-treated Gleason grade 3/4 foci as shown in lower panel (400×). (C) Expression of both HMGA1 and AR is significantly reduced in fulvestrant-treated clinical PCa specimens when compared with their respective untreated samples (*p<0.05; **p<0.01; n = 9 (from 5 patients) for untreated samples; n = 10 (from 5 patients) for fulvestrant-treated samples, bar = S.E.M).