Mean body weights of weanling rats fed different diets for four weeks.
Notes: Final body weights (week 4): significance of difference among diet groups by one-way ANOVA, P < 0.001; pooled SEM = 4.9 g; a, b, c, mean values not sharing common letter significantly differ (P < 0.05; Tukey test).
Feeding protocol: LZ-CB, fed the LZ diet (7 mg Zn/kg) with 22% CB free choice; HZ-CBR, fed the HZ diet (50 mg Zn/kg) with 22% CB in restricted amounts according to intake in the LZ-CB group; LZ-SF, fed the LZ diet with 22% SF oil free choice; HZ-SFR, fed the HZ diet with 22% SF oil in restricted amounts according to intake in the LZ-SF group; and HZ-SF, fed the HZ diet with 22% SF oil free choice.