Figure 1.
Genomic distribution into 48 bins of 57 loci in 29 functional genetic units (FGUs) underlying seedling cold tolerance (CT) in 30 introgression lines (ILs) from four BC2F2 populations of rice. Boxes on the right side of each chromosome are FGUs detected in cold-tolerant ILs; symbols on the left are main-effect QTLs and epistatic QTLs associated with CT previously reported in other rice populations (Table 3; Additional file 1: Table S4). CT-related genes harbored in or near FGU regions are shown on the left side of each chromosome. Boxes with thicker outlines indicate FGUs verified by comparison of introgression frequencies between two groups of BC2F2:6 ILs with contrasting CT phenotypes derived from the same BC2F2 plants. Colored bins indicate FGUs of high introgression that are very likely to be upstream regulatory genes in the genetic networks (Figure 2A–D) according to molecular quantitative genetics theory [26]. Regions in rectangular boxes represent linked bins detected in multiple populations.