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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2014 Mar 2;0:193–207. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2014.02.011

Table 2.

A summary of relationships between cerebellar morphology and motor and cognitive performance in older adults. Notably, in several instances, the magnitude of these relationships were comparable to, or larger than those between behavior and prefrontal cortex morphology. WAIS: Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale; STM: short-term memory; LTM: long-term memory; VBM: voxel-based morphometry; Anterior cerebellum: lobules I-V; Posterior cerebellum: lobules VI-X.

Study Method Task(s) Relationships with Cerebellum
Raz et al. 2000 Hand Tracing -Procedural Learning
-Verbal and Non-Verbal Working Memory
-Cerebellar hemisphere and putamen volume positively associated with early learning across sample from ages 22-80
-Cerebellar hemisphere volume remained correlated during late learning and was also associated with working memory measures
Woodruff-Pak et al. 2000 and 2001 Hand Tracing - Eye-blink conditioning - Positive correlation between total cerebellar volume and eye-blink conditioning in young adults alone, and when collapsing across young and older adults
Rosano et al. 2007 Automatic Labeling -Walking speed
-Standing balance
-Slower walking speed negatively correlated with cerebellum and PFC volumes
-Standing balance negatively correlated with cerebellum, putamen, and posterior parietal lobe volume
MacLullich et al. 2004 Hand Tracing -Raven's Matrices
-Paragraph recall
-Visuospatial memory
-Verbal fluency
-Processing speed
-Vermis (lobules VI, Crus I and Crus II) volume associated with processing speed, memory, and visuospatial memory
-Anterior vermis volume also associated with visuospatial memory
Miller et al. 2013 Hand Tracing - Battery comparabley to MacLullich et al. 2004 - Results generally consistent with MacLullich et al. 2004
-In addition, relationships between vermis lobules VIII-X and general cognitive function along with vermis lobules IV and V with reading ability, speed of processing, and executive function
-Across both studies, preserved volume associated with better performance
Paul et al., 2009 Automatic Labeling -Motor tapping
-Reverse digit span
-Attention switching
-Verbal interference
-Spatial processing (maze task)
-Verbal Fluency
-Prefrontal cortical and cerebellar vermis volumes associated with cognitive performance (attention & spatial processing)
-When controlling for prefrontal cortical volume, relationships with cerebellar vermis were no longer significant
Lee et al. 2005 VBM - WAIS -Gray matter density in Crus I was correlated with general intelligence assessed by the WAIS
-No relationships with PFC, which was counter to the authors’ hypotheses
Hogan et al. 2011 VBM -Speed of Processing
-Non-Verbal Reasoning
-Positive correlations with cerebellum and cortex gray matter (general intelligence)
-When controlling for PFC cerebellum alone remained as a strong predictor of general intelligence
Eckert et al. 2010 Structural Covariance (source based morphometry; SBM) - Speed of Processing - Structural covariance between gray and white mater of the PFC and cerebellum associated with declines in processing speed
Bernard and Seidler 2013 Automated Lobular Volume Measurement -Verbal Working Memory
-Executive Function
-Choice RT
-Motor Adaptation
- Across age groups working memory performance positively associated with posterior cerebellum
-Timing, balance, & choice RT were negatively associated with posterior cerebellum volume across both groups
-Differential engagement of cerebellum across age groups for some tasks