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. 2014 May 8;5:3855. doi: 10.1038/ncomms4855

Figure 2. Nexine and intine layers are absent in tek (a–n).

Figure 2

TEM images of pollen wall development in wild type (af) and tek (hm) from stage 7–12. (a,h) Later stage 7, showing the osmiophilic materials is reduced in tek; (b,i), stage 8, showing the nexine layer is absent in tek; (c,j), stage 9; (d,k), stage 10, showing the intine commenced in wild type; (e,l), stage 11, showing the degenerated tek pollen grain; (f,m), stage 12, showing the sexine and material analogues of intine still visible in tek. Scale bars, 500 nm (ac and hj); scale bars, 2 μm (df and km). Scanning electron microscopy of pollen grain of wild-type (g) and tek (n) showed the similar reticulate pattern. Scale bars, 5 μm. (o) AtUSP had its similar expression pattern in wild-type and tek anthers. Scale bars, 20 μm. (p) Cytochemical staining of semi-thin sections of wild-type, atusp/+ and tek. All wild-type pollens showed a pink fluorescent ring of the intine layer, while the half pollens of atusp/+ showed the absence of intine layer. A dim blue fluorescent ring was detected in the degraded pollen of tek. aIn, abnormal intine; Ca, callose wall; DPG, degenerated pollen grain; In, intine; In?, intine-like materials; MMC, microspores mother cell; MSp, microspore; Ne, nexine; PC, pollen coat; Pe, primexine; PG, pollen grain; PM, plasma membrane; Ps, pro-sexine; Se, sexine; T, tapetum; Tds, tetrads.