Defective spermiogenesis in adult S-KO and gS-KO mice. (A) Tubules from S-KO and gS-KO males at stages VI and VII of the seminiferous epithelial cycle contain clusters of late spermatids (short arrows) and bundle-like structures (circles) without significant residual bodies. In S-WT and aS-KO tubules, spermatid heads are oriented perpendicular to the lining membrane of the tubules (arrowheads) and contain many small residual bodies (long arrows). Cauda epididymides from S-KO and gS-KO lack sperm but contain numerous spherical cells and vacuoles (arrows), whereas S-WT and aS-KO are filled with sperm (arrowheads). Sections were stained with H&E. (B) Oil Red O staining of S-KO and gS-KO testes reveals multiple large ectopic LDs near the nuclei of spermatids. In contrast, S-WT and aS-KO contain small LDs in residual bodies of the seminiferous epithelium. Arrows indicate LDs. Blue, nucleus; red, LDs.