Fig. 8.
Heat maps showing correlations between fitted gating parameters and side-chain physicochemical parameters. The maps show the color-coded P values obtained from Pearson pairwise correlation analysis between fitted gating parameters and the following: four hydrophobicity scales (KD, WW, HH, MF), the vdW surface area (SA), and the vdW volume (Vol) of the side chain present at the position of the indicated gating pore residue. For the observable gating parameters TA*, TD*, and V1/2*, the asterisk denotes that these values were derived from the 2 × 2-state kinetic model global fit. Note that position 290 was excluded from such analysis due to the bisigmoidal nature of most of its mutants. The color code for correlation direction and P value range is at the top of the figure. The white asterisks denote highly significant correlations with P < 0.001.