Table 1.
List of plant species use in this assessment. Data include species, taxonomic family, habitat (freshwater, coastal or marine), growth form (forb-herb, graminoid or shrub), environmental conditions at the time of collection (including salinity for marine plants; in practical salinity units [psu]) and the reference or source of the data.
Species | Family | Habitat | Growth/habit | Environ. conditions/salinity | Source |
Acorus americanus | Acoraceae | Freshwater | Forb-herb | Bioretention basin (flooded) | This study |
Acorus americanus | Acoraceae | Freshwater | Forb-herb | Greenhouse (flooded) | Romanello et al. (2008) |
Arundinaria gigantean | Poaceae | Coastal | Graminoid | Damp soils 100 m from seawater | This study |
Atriplex hortensis | Chenopodiaceae | Freshwater | Forb-herb | Greenhouse | Kachout et al. (2011) |
Bidens sp. | Asteraceae | Freshwater | Forb-herb | Greenhouse (saturated soils) | This study |
Borrichia frutescens | Asteraceae | Marine | Shrub | Upper salt marsh/32 psu | This study |
Carex alata | Cyperaceae | Freshwater | Graminoid | Greenhouse (flooded) | Touchette et al. (2007) |
Carex alata | Cyperaceae | Freshwater | Graminoid | Greenhouse (saturated soils) | This study |
Cephalanthus occidentalis | Rubiaceae | Freshwater | Shrub | Lacustrine wet shoreline | This study |
Eleocharis sp. | Cyperaceae | Freshwater | Graminoid | Greenhouse (flooded) | This study |
Halodule wrightii | Cymodoceaceae | Marine | Forb-herb | Seawater (submerged)/32 psu | Wilson et al. (2010) |
Halodule wrightii | Cymodoceaceae | Marine | Forb-herb | Seawater (submerged)/32 psu | Touchette (2007) |
Halophila ovalis | Hydrocharitaceae | Marine | Forb-herb | Seawater (submerged)/32 psu | Tyerman (1982) |
Heteranthera limosa | Pontederiaceae | Freshwater | Forb-herb | Lotic wet shoreline | This study |
Hibiscus moscheutos | Malvaceae | Freshwater | Shrub | Lacustrine wet shoreline | This study |
Juncus effusus | Juncaceae | Freshwater | Graminoid | Greenhouse (flooded) | Touchette et al. (2007) |
Juncus roemerianus | Juncaceae | Marine | Graminoid | Lower salt marsh/18 psu | Touchette (2006) |
Juncus roemerianus | Juncaceae | Marine | Graminoid | Greenhouse (flooded)/30 psu | This study |
Juncus roemerianus | Juncaceae | Marine | Graminoid | Greenhouse (flooded)/30 psu | Touchette et al. (2009a) |
Juncus roemerianus | Juncaceae | Marine | Graminoid | Greenhouse (flooded)/0 psu | Touchette et al. (2009a) |
Juncus sp. | Juncaceae | Freshwater | Graminoid | Freshwater (flooded) | This study |
Justicia americana | Acanthaceae | Freshwater | Forb-herb | Lacustrine emergent | This study |
Justicia americana | Acanthaceae | Freshwater | Forb-herb | Greenhouse (flooded) | Touchette et al. (2007) |
Microstegium vimineum | Poaceae | Freshwater | Graminoid | Greenhouse (flooded) | Touchette and Romanello (2010) |
Peltandra virginica | Araceae | Freshwater | Forb-herb | Greenhouse (flooded) | Touchette et al. (2007) |
Polygonum amphibium | Polygonaceae | Freshwater | Forb-herb | Lotic emergent | This study |
Pontederia cordata | Pontederiaceae | Freshwater | Forb-herb | Greenhouse (flooded) | This study |
Posidonia australis | Posidoniaceae | Marine | Forb-herb | Seawater (submerged)/32 psu | Tyerman (1982) |
Rosa palustris | Rosaceae | Freshwater | Shrub | Lacustrine wet shoreline | This study |
Sabal minor | Arecaceae | Coastal | Shrub | Damp soils 200 m from seawater | This study |
Sabal minor | Arecaceae | Coastal | Shrub | Coastal maritime swamp | Touchette et al. (2012) |
Saururus cernuus | Saururaceae | Freshwater | Forb-herb | Lacustrine wet shoreline | This study |
Saururus cernuus | Saururaceae | Freshwater | Forb-herb | Greenhouse (flooded) | Touchette et al. (2007) |
Schoenoplectus pungens | Cyperaceae | Freshwater | Graminoid | Lacustrine emergent | This study |
Schoenoplectus robustus | Cyperaceae | Marine | Graminoid | Upper salt marsh/15 psu | This study |
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani | Cyperaceae | Freshwater | Graminoid | Lacustrine emergent | This study |
Sorghastrum sp. | Poaceae | Freshwater | Graminoid | Greenhouse (flooded) | This study |
Spartina alterniflora | Poaceae | Marine | Graminoid | Greenhouse (flooded)/0 psu | Touchette et al. (2009a) |
Spartina alterniflora | Poaceae | Marine | Graminoid | Lower salt marsh/15 psu | This study |
Spartina alterniflora | Poaceae | Marine | Graminoid | Greenhouse (flooded)/30 psu | Touchette et al. (2009a) |
Spartina patens | Poaceae | Marine | Graminoid | Greenhouse (wet soil)/0–45 psu | Salpeter et al. (2012) |
Spartina patens | Poaceae | Marine | Graminoid | Lower salt marsh/32 psu | This study |
Suaeda calceoliformis | Chenopodiaceae | Marine | Forb-herb | Greenhouse/30 psu | Youngman and Heckathorn (1992) |
Suaeda calceoliformis | Chenopodiaceae | Marine | Forb-herb | Greenhouse/50 psu | Youngman and Heckathorn (1992) |
Syringodium filiforme | Cymodoceaceae | Marine | Forb-herb | Seawater (submerged)/32 psu | Wilson et al. (2010) |
Thalassia testudinum | Hydrocharitaceae | Marine | Forb-herb | Seawater (submerged)/32 psu | Wilson et al. (2010) |
Typha angustifolia | Typhaceae | Coastal | Forb-herb | Flooded 250 m from seawater | This study |
Typha latifolia | Typhaceae | Freshwater | Forb-herb | Lotic emergent | This study |
Typha latifolia | Typhaceae | Coastal | Forb-herb | Flooded 100 m from seawater | This study |
Typha sp. | Typhaceae | Freshwater | Forb-herb | Lotic emergent | This study |
Zostera capricorni | Zosteraceae | Marine | Forb-herb | Seawater (submerged)/32 psu | Tyerman (1982) |