Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)–stained liver sections from mice treated with (A) saline (control). (B) LPS: inflammatory leukocytic cell infiltration around portal area (long arrow), necrosis (arrow head), dilated and congested blood sinusoids, and marinated nuclear chromatin (star). (C) LPS: focal necrotic area (arrow head), activated Kupffer cells, dilated and congested blood sinusoids, and pyknotic nuclei (star). (D) LPS+citric acid 1 g/kg: congestion of central vein (long arrow), dilated blood sinusoids, and few necrotic cells (arrowhead). (E) LPS+citric acid 2 g/kg: normal central vein (long arrow), minimally dilated blood sinusoids, and few Kupffer cells. (F) LPS+4 g/kg of citric acid: congestion of central vein (long arrow), signs of degeneration of hepatocytes, dilated congested blood sinusoids, and few Kupffer cells (H&E×400). Color images available online at www.liebertpub.com/jmf