Fluorescein diacetate was taken up by cells and converted to a green fluorescent product, which was retained intracellularly, indicating maintained cell viability (4A). Ethidium bromide was included in the cell suspension on the surface of the negative control but was not taken up by cells, demonstrating intact functional cell membranes (4B). Viability of murine L929 fibroblasts incubated for 24 hours on the surface of the positive control (PVC). Fluorescein diacetate uptake and conversion to a fluorescent product was hindered versus the negative control, indicating compromised cell viability (4C). Ethidium bromide included to the cell suspension on the surface of the positive control was taken up by cells and intercalated with DNA, staining the nuclei red, demonstrating compromised cell membrane functionality (4D). Viability of murine L929 fibroblasts which were brought in direct contact with surface of the intravesical capsule device containing electronics and batteries for 24 hours. Fluorescein diacetate was taken up by cells and converted to a green fluorescent product, which was retained intracellularly, indicating cell viability (4E). Ethidium bromide included in the cell suspension on the surface of the intravesical capsule was not taken up by cells, demonstrating intact functional cell membranes (4F). All photomicrographs were taken at 200× original magnification.