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. 2014 May 1;24(4):210–217. doi: 10.1089/cap.2013.0077

Table 1.

Transformeda YQOL-R Perceptual Scores and Change from Baselineb Scores Stratified by Participant-Perceived QOL at Baseline or by Study Completion Status

Stratified by participant-perceived QOL at baseline
    Poorc QOL (n=32) Othersd (n=232)
    Observed value Change from baselineb score Observed value Change from baselineb score
Variables Visit n Mean (SD) n Mean (SD) n Mean (SD) n Mean (SD)
Transformeda YQOL-R total perceptual score Baselineb 32 57.6 (9.84) - - 232 82.8 (7.38) - -
  Week 28 20 75.2 (10.63) 20 17.6 (9.51) 160 85.9 (8.49) 160 3.0 (7.93)
  Week 52 17 70.9 (14.24) 17 14.7 (11.16) 136 86.7 (7.89) 136 3.8 (8.59)
  Week 52/ET 26 70.0 (15.29) 26 12.5 (13.02) 211 85.6 (9.03) 211 2.9 (8.72)
Transformeda YQOL-R domain scores
 Self Baselineb 32 53.6 (10.96) - - 232 70.4 (9.05) - -
  Week 52/ET 26 63.7 (11.77) 26 9.8 (13.55) 211 75.5 (8.72) 211 5.1 (9.83)
 Relationships Baselineb 32 58.0 (16.11) - - 232 84.2 (9.89) - -
  Week 52/ET 26 69.0 (17.73) 26 11.4 (16.43) 211 86.8 (11.16) 211 2.7 (10.83)
 Environment Baselineb 32 62.2 (14.15) - - 232 85.5 (9.44) - -
  Week 52/ET 26 72.8 (16.62) 26 11.4 (12.63) 211 88.9 (10.33) 211 3.3 (10.09)
 General Baselineb 32 56.6 (17.79) - - 232 91.3 (10.10) - -
  Week 52/ET 26 74.4 (22.45) 26 17.6 (22.26) 211 91.4 (11.73) 211 0.4 (13.48)
Stratified by completerse vs. noncompletersf of current study
    Study completerse (n=156) Study noncompletersf (n=109)
    Observed value Change from baselineb score Observed value Change from baselineb score
Variables Visit n Mean (SD) n Mean (SD) n Mean (SD) n Mean (SD)
Transformeda YQOL-R Total Perceptual Score Baselineb 155 79.9 (11.66) - - 109 79.6 (10.76) - -
  Week 52/ET 154 84.9 (10.04) 153 5.0 (9.52)g 82 82.1 (12.55) 82 1.9 (9.64)
Transformeda YQOL-R domain scores
 Self Baselineb 155 68.4 (11.24) - - 109 68.3 (10.12) - -
  Week 52/ET 154 74.6 (9.45) 153 6.2 (10.38)g 82 73.6 (10.32) 82 4.9 (10.18)
 Relationships Baselineb 155 81.1 (14.45) - - 109 80.9 (12.79) - -
  Week 52/ET 154 85.8 (12.59) 153 4.7 (11.58)g 82 83.0 (14.27) 82 1.8 (12.03)
 Environment Baselineb 155 83.3 (12.93) - - 109 81.8 (12.22) - -
  Week 52/ET 154 88.4 (11.03) 153 5.1 (10.42)g 82 84.9 (14.02) 82 2.4 (10.86)
 General Baselineb 155 86.8 (16.06) - - 109 87.5 (15.95) - -
  Week 52/ET 154 90.9 (12.00) 153 4.0 (14.47)g 82 86.9 (17.65) 82 –1.4 (16.64)

The YQOL-R raw score is transformed to a 0–100 point scale to assist in result interpretation; higher scores indicate improvement in QOL.


Baseline is based on the baseline of the antecedent 4 week study.


Poor=participants with YQOL-R scores ≤(mean−1 SD).


Others=participants with YQOL-R scores >(mean−1 SD).


Study completers=participants who completed the current study.


Study noncompleters=participants who did not complete the current study.


p≤0.001 based on a two sided one sample t test.

ET, early termination; QOL, quality of life; YQOL-R, Youth Quality of Life-Research Version.