Figure 5.
Interaction occupancy during MD trajectories of C3d-Sbi-IV complexes. Interactions were calculated at 100 ps intervals throughout one 100 ns and three 20 ns MD trajectories for Complexes 1 and 2. Occupancies represent the percentage of snapshots (across all trajectories) in which specific interactions were present. Residue numbers on the x and y axes represent residues of Sbi-IV and C3d, respectively. The legend shows the color scale from white (0% occupancy) to purple (100% occupancy). Interactions calculated include nonpolar interactions for Complex 1 (A) and Complex 2 (B), hydrogen bonds for Complex 1 (C) and Complex 2 (D), and salt bridges for Complex 1 (E) and Complex 2 (F). The residue ranges for Sbi-IV helices are indicated on the right. To see this figure in color, go online.