Figure 3.
Probing the structure of the Vps75 tetramer using quadruply labelled complex. (A) Schematic representation of the experimental approach for probing the Vps75 tetramer structure using a quadruply spin-labelled system. In the highly ionic environment of 500 mM sodium chloride the dimeric form of Vps75 is prevalent, giving a single distance AB (left). At 150 mM sodium chloride the tetrameric form is prevalent, resulting in additional distances AC and AD (right). (B) Background corrected dipolar evolution for Vps75 E56R1 (left) and Vps75 K117R1 (right) under dimeric (red) and tetrameric (blue) conditions. (C) Distance distributions for Vps75 E56R1 (left) and Vps75 K117R1 (right) under dimeric (red) and tetrameric (blue) conditions. (D) A molecular model of the Vps75 tetramer was generated using the RX2 distance, and the E56R1 AC distance. The two Vps75 dimers are differentially coloured green and blue for clarity. Left: the ‘Ring’ model with Y35RX2 and K117R1 labelling sites circled (E56R1 is omitted for clarity). The RX2-RX2’ distance is depicted as a black line, the AB distance is shown as a red line and AC and AD distances are shown as blue lines. Right: side view of the Vps75 tetramer with all labelling sites circled.