Figure 3.
The relationship between Id1+ and BMI-1+ cells as well as Id1+ and BrdU+ in OSCC cells. Cells were stained with both Id1 and BMI-1 antibodies and examined by FACS. (A) In OSCC cells, as indicated by marker R11, there were 3.4% of Id1+ cells. (B) Approximately 97.6% of total cells were Id1− and these cells were also BMI-1−. (C) Among Id1+ cells, 99.8% were BMI-1+. (D) In a similar way, as measured by marker R14, there were approximately 3% of BMI-1+ cells. (E) Among BMI-1− cells, accounting for 97% of total cells, were also Id1−. (F) Among the Id1+ cells, they were 81.3% BMI-1+. In the Id1+ subpopulation, there were 82.8% of cells remaining Id1+ after culture for 24 h (G). In the Id− cells, 52.2% of cells remained BrdU+ (H) whereas in the Id1+ cells 98.6% of cells remained BrdU+ (I). Accordingly, in the Id1+ cell cultures, there were 96.3% of BrdU+ cells (J). In the BrdU− cells 8.1% of cells were Id1+ (K) whereas in the BrdU+ cells 79.0% of cells were Id1+ (L). Transfection with ev, Id1, p65 and IP indicated that Id1, p65, and IP significantly increased the cell cycle progression (M), cell counts (N), and BrdU incorporation (O) of CA9-22 cells. *p<0.05.