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. 2014 May 20;9(5):e97716. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097716

Table 1. Characteristics of the included study – Calves.

Author & Year Experimental Animal Infection Dose IgY Treatment Outcome Assessment (Type of Efficacy)
Animal Class: Calves
Bacterial Pathogen
Ozpinar et al., 1996 New born Calves of Holstein Frisian breed and brown cattel Field Trail: Routine diagnosis in the farm on day 7-In the diarrheic calves 78.2% for rotavirus, 34.5% for Cryptosporidia, 18% for E. coli and 42% for polyinfection Field Trial: 2 g, 4 g, or 8 g egg powder with specific antibodies to rotavirus types 1 and 2 [Neutralization titer512] and E.coli K99 pilus antigen [ELISA titer 330] each, in a drink – two meal/day for the first 14 days Examined the incidence of diarrhea, duration of diarrhea, weight gain and mortality (P)
Cook et al., 2005 Canadian Arcott rams [Sheep] [38.8 kg] 1010 CFU of three strain mixture of E.coli O157:H7/sheep on day 0 using 60-mL syringe connected to a polypropylene orogastric tube 100 g of Spray dried egg yolk powder suspended in a final volume of 300 mL PBS–on day 2, 3 and 4 by syringe and orogastric tube. Treatments: 1) 100 g non-immunized egg powder [EG]; 2) 100 g - immunized egg powder [High]; 3) 100 g [50 g EG+50 g immunized egg] [Medium]; 4) 100 g [75 g EG+25 g immunized egg [Low]; 5) variable doses consisting of High on day 2, Medium on day 3 and Low on day 4 Fecal shedding of E.coli O157:H7 in five consecutive weekly samples (T)
Germine et al ., 2011 New born Calves of non-vaccinated dams and deprived from colostral antibodies- below 30 days old Field trail – against E. coli K99 20 mL yolk/calf – mixed with 1.5–2.0 kg of milk 2 times/day for 21days – then calves fed only milk only according to their weight Examined the E. coli K99 in the faecal samples (P)
Viral Pathogen
Kuroki et al., 1994 Neonatal Holstein Calves Shimane BRV - 1×1010 TCID50/Calf (Gp1-3) KK-3 BRV −5×109 TCID50/Calf (Gp1-6) The challenge time was 2 hours after first dose of IgY on 2 day after birth Gp1 and Gp4 control IgY Gp 2 and Gp 3 received anti-Shimane IgY [3200 and 6400 titer] Gp 5 and Gp 6 received anti-KK-3 IgY [6400 and 12800 titer] – delivering the solution via syringe before giving milk formula ration Fecal score, viral excretion in feces and body weight gain observed (C)
Ikemori et al., 1997 Colostrum deprived, newborn Holstein Calves 1×109.0 TCID50 of the Kakegawa strain of BCV (at 24 to 36 h from birth) Egg powder groups: 0.25 g [1∶1280titer] and 0.5 g [1∶2560] in 1.5 and 2 Liters of milk – 2times/day for 7 days after challenge (6 h after challenge) Evaluated fecal consistency score, weight gain, and mortality (T)
Kuroki et al., 1997 Japanese black Neonatal Calves Three field trails – against BRV 2 g of combined anti-Shimane and KK-3 IgY [each with homotypic titer of 12800] 3times/day for 2 weeks after birth in 50 mL distilled water – oral delivery by50 mL syringe Fecal score and body weight gain were examined (P)
Vega et al., 2011 New born Holstein male Calves removed prior to suckling within the first 4 h of life 105.85 FFU of virulent INDIANA BRV between 3rd & 4th feeding [36 h after colostrums intake; 0 post inoculation day] GP1: Control Colostrum (CC) + milk with BRV-specific egg yolk with a final titer of 4096; Gp2: CC+ milk with normal egg yolk Gp3: only one dose of CC Gp4: Colostrum deprived (Gp1 and 2 – received 2 L of Antibody supplemented milk 2 times/day for 14days) Examined for diarrhea and virus shedding with advanced immunological assays (P)

Legend: CFU colony forming unit, TCID Tissue culture infective dose, FFU Focus forming unit, BRV Bovine Rotavirus, BCV Bovine Coronavirus, Type of Efficacy: P-Prophylactic Effect; T-Therapeutic Effect; F-Field Trial.