Figure 3.
Comparative donor mouse BM cell engraftment into lethally-irradiated mice in the setting of competition with congenic competitor cells. Unseparated donor C57Bl/6 (CD45.2+) cells were treated with control diluent or with either Diprotin A (5mM/106 cells) for 1 hour at room temperature), dmPGE2 (1μM/106 cells for 1 hour at 4°C), or with Diprotin A and then with dmPGE2, prior to washing cells 2X and infusing cells at a 1:1 ratio with B6.BoyJ (CD45.1+) competitor cells (2.5×105 cells each) 24 hours later into (dual CD45.2+/CD45.1+ F1) recipient mice that had been lethally irradiated with 950cGy gamma radiation) and 4 hours after radiation orally gavaged one time with either control diluent or 200 μg sitagliptin. Results are shown as mean ± 1SEM for 5 mice in group each assayed individually. * = all points p<0.05 versus vehicle control; † = p<0.05 versus all other treatment groups; as determined by ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc test.