Figure 2.
Following brief early life deactivation of the left association cortex (AES and rLS), multisensory enhancement was absent in the right hemifield at 1 year of age but present at 4 years of age. Top, Large black circles and dotted line represent the average enhancement (MSI) recorded in the hemifield ipsilateral (ipsi) and contralateral (contra) to the previously deactivated cortex at 1 year (left) and 4 years (right) of age. In the background are the percentage of correct responses to visual (open icons) and visual–auditory (filled icons) stimuli for each animal (circles, diamonds represent animals given 4 weeks of deactivation; squares represent animals given 8 weeks of deactivation) at each location. Middle, Average MSI scores for each animal at all ipsilateral (left) and contralateral (right) locations. Dashed bars on the right indicate the predicted MSI. There is significant degradation of performance to contralateral stimuli. Bottom, The proportion of stimulus-elicited responses recorded to each location, relative to the actual stimulus location, averaged in ipsilateral (left) and contralateral (right) space. Relative to the unisensory response probabilities (thin gray line), multisensory response probabilities (solid black line) were typically elevated at the correct response location (0°) but not other (erroneous) locations. The exception to this rule was found in contralateral space at 1 year of age, where the multisensory and unisensory responses were equivalent. * p < 0.01; n.s., Not significant, p > 0.01.