Set-β suppresses and myr-Set-β increases neurite growth of hippocampal neurons. A, E18 hippocampal neurons transfected with mCherry or Set-β constructs were immunostained at 1 d for Tuj1 and fusion tags and counterstained with DAPI, as marked. Set-β localized to the nucleus, myr-Set-β localized to the nucleus, cytoplasm, cellular membranes, and neurites, and Set-βΔNLS localized predominantly to the cytoplasm. Nucleus outlined with dashed white line. Scale bars: left, 25 μm; right, 100 μm. B, At 1 d, wild-type Set-β suppressed whereas myr-Set-β increased neurite growth. Set-βΔNLS also promoted neurite growth but to a lesser extent (≥30 neurons per condition, mean ± SEM normalized to mCherry transfected cells shown; *p < 0.05 by ANOVA).