Fig. 14.
Protrusion and retraction of filopodia. (a) Filopodium with partially penetrating microtubules and assemblies of actin–myosin II micro-muscles at the base of actin bundles. The MT tip can recruit Rac triggering the branched actin gel growth as shown in (b). At the base actin–myosin stress fibers can be formed by activated Rho-A GTPase which facilitate the retraction of the filopodia. The tip can form adhesion domains by binding of integrin to laminin clusters (see text). (b) Left side: activation of GTPase (Rac-1, Cdc42) through PI-3K*, stimulated by integrin–laminin clustering. The activated GTPases are bound to stable MT and to actin bundles via IQGAP/Clip 170 complexes (see GlossarSX). Thus branched and bundled actin gels can form. Right: activation of Rho-A by the ephrin mediated pathway which activates Rho A through the specific GEF ephhexin, but inhibits the PI-3K mediated pathway.