Women deliver from home or under unskilled care get difficult delivery and genital injury
-Leaking urine
-Delivery from home
(Address birth injury)
-Delivery from birth attendants
-Deliver from hospital to avoid difficult delivery and therefore birth injury
-Injury to bladder
Leaking urine from childbirth injury
Condition related to difficult childbirth
-Always wet
-Sexual violence and rape with injury to genitalia
-Care taken by doctors during surgical operation to ensure no bladder or genital injury
-Must use pads
-Persistent smell
-Can mot move out without padding herself
-Woman is always wet and uses pads
-Operative delivery
-Operation by unskilled health workers
-Woman covers herself with sacs
-Deliver with a skilled attendant to avoid prolonged labor and birth injury
-Woman leaves a patch of wetness where she has been seated
-Manipulation –
-Unskilled birth attendants
-Examine genital tract after delivery or operation to identify tears
-Rude health care providers
-Mother loses baby
-Adverse childbirth complications
(Address misfortune)
-Married young
-Not educated
Prevent early marriage
-Gods unhappy
-Mother is isolated
-Address poverty
-Educate girls
-Difficult labor
-Baby dies
-Mother always smells urine
-Mother abandoned
-Mother gets permanent injury
-Rape and physical violence
Mother isolated
-Mother isolated
-Had induced abortion
Address stigma of fistula
-Mother suffers ridicule
-Mother suffers ridicule
-Had sex during menses
-Address misconceptions
-Abandoned by relatives
-Loses marriage |
-Abandoned by relatives or family
-Loses marriage |
-Venereal disease |
-Health education campaigns targeting men |