Table 4.
Percentage of mosquitoes exiting huts into verandah and window traps in the Interceptor LN experimental hut trial
Untreated net 0 W | Interceptor 0 W | Interceptor 20 W | Interceptor 30 W | CTN 20 W | |
Anopheles gambiae
Total females exiting |
147 |
116 |
113 |
174 |
207 |
% Exiting |
86.0a |
86.6a |
92.6ab |
95.6b |
92.8ab |
Anopheles funestus
Total females exiting |
70 |
65 |
86 |
76 |
120 |
% Exiting |
86.4a |
95.6ab |
98.9ab |
96.2ab |
96.0ab |
Culex quinquefasciatus
Total females exiting |
51 |
91 |
94 |
94 |
130 |
% Exiting | 54.0a | 95.8b | 88.7bc | 88.7bc | 81.2cd |
Numbers in the same row sharing a letter superscript do not differ significantly (P > 0.05).