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. 2014 Apr 17;8:226. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00226

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Behavioral Task - Design and Results. (A) Visual tracking task. Stimuli were high-contrast pairs of pinwheels displayed on either side of a central fixation cross. (B) At the start, the targets (a randomly selected spoke on each pinwheel) were cued briefly. Following the cues disappearance, the pinwheels rotated at a fixed rate, determined by individual subjects' threshold for 85% correct performance, while subjects tracked the targets. After 3 s, both pinwheels stopped and were aligned so that all probes on the target pinwheel appeared as a cross. Subjects responded using a four-alternative forced-choice paradigm (“up,” “down,” “left,” or “right” keys) to report which of the probes represented the originally-cued target. (C) Results of tracking accuracy: contra, contralateral (right hemifield); ipsi, ipsilateral (left hemifield); y-axis, tracking accuracy following rTMS as a proportion of that following sham; x-axis, experimental runs (1 through 3). Values below 1 represent a decrement and above 1 show improvement following rTMS vs. sham.