A hybrid model demonstrates the reduction in lifetime attributable to the enhanced
fluctuations in postsynaptic conductance produced by synaptic facilitation.
a–b Low threshold, . c–d Medium threshold,
. e–f High threshold,
. a, c, e Lifetime of states in the
hybrid model with synaptic facilitation but with the noise due to static synapses.
Dark blue: no bistability exists. Light blue = low stability;
orange-red = high stability; cyan-green boundary = optimal
lifetime of one hour. b, d, f Logarithm of the ratio of
Figs. 7a, 7c, 7e to 6b, 6d, 6f, respectively, demonstrates the decrease in state lifetime attributable
to enhanced noise when synapses are facilitating. Dark blue: ratio = 1.
Cyan-yellow, ratio >e. Orange-light red, ratio
. Dark red, ratio . All panels: Steepness of single neuron
firing-rate curves increase with (y-axis) while maximum curvature increases with
(x-axis). Stability of a bistable system is
determined by the minimum lifetime of either of the two activity states. Maximum
stability is calculated for each firing-rate curve as a function of connection
strength and plotted after logarithmic scaling in color code