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. 2014 May 21;9(5):e97553. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097553

Table 3. Subgroup analyses.

MDI ≥15* Statistical analyses TAU: baseline(mean, SD) TAU: follow up(mean, SD) TAU: Baseline vsfollow up, P Active group:baseline(mean SD) Active group:follow up(mean, SD) Active group:baseline vs follow up, P Three monthfollow upTAU vs active, P Effect size
MDI ITT 20.5 (6.59) 16.1 (8.31) <0.001 21.4 (6.19) 14.2 (7.55) 0.005 0.44 0.35
PP 19.4 (4.91) 15.5 (8.19) 19.3 (4.18) 12.6 (6.86)
WHO-5 ITT 39.8 (18.4) 51.1 (22.9) 0.015 41.3 (15.4) 56.8 (16.7) <0.001 0.36 0.21
PP 39.8 (17.5) 51.3 (22.7) 41.6 (17.3) 57.1 (16.1)
PPS ITT 85.0 (12.7) 78.7 (16.5) 0.017 86.1 (12.7) 71.9 (20.4) <0.001 0.23 0.43
PP 83.8 (12.5) 78.1 (14.3) 85.1 (13.1) 72.8 (20.0)
SF-36 physical component summary ITT 42.4 (8.91) 43.2 (8.76) 0.60 45.0 (10.7) 45.7 (9.93) 0.66 0.40 0.01
PP 42.2 (8.88) 43.0 (8.43) 48.9 (9.61) 48.3 (8.32)
SF-36 mental component summary ITT 42.0 (11.3) 46.3 (8.71) 0.14 38.9 (8.58) 48.5 (11.5) 0.001 0.48 0.52
PP 41.7 (11.0) 44.9 (7.39) 39.9 (10.0) 45.5 (10.4)
High PPS and high CSS (PPS>81 and CSS≥8)** TAU: baseline (mean, SD) TAU: follow up (mean, SD) TAU: Baseline vs follow up, P Active group: baseline (mean SD) Active group: follow up (mean, SD) Active group: Baseline vs follow up, P Three month follow up TAU vs active, P Effect size
MDI ITT 13.3 (9.8) 12.5 (8.6) 0.55 14.3 (9.9) 9.11 (8.30) <0.001 0.15 0.52
PP 12.1 (7.18) 12.1 (7.22) 12.3 (7.90) 8.25 (7.52)
WHO-5 ITT 56.1 (21.7) 56.6 (19.9) 0.09 54.3 (22.9) 67.0 (19.6) <0.001 0.066 0.62
PP 57.7 (20.0) 56.7 (18.9) 55.2 (22.3) 68.6 (18.2)
PPS ITT 94.3 (5.62) 83.8 (15.3) <0.001 96.4 (5.31) 77.3 (22.1) <0.001 0.223 0.46
PP 92.8 (6.19) 83.3 (13.1) 95.9 (6.06) 74.8 (23.5)
SF-36 physical component summary 42.4 (7.93) 41.9 (9.50) 0.99 43.3 (9.41) 47.3 (9.75) 0.009 0.044 0.47
42.2 (7.64) 42.3 (9.15) 47.6 (7.80) 51.8 (5.87)
SF-36 mental component summary 48.6 (11.8) 49.5 (9.38) 0.64 47.3 (9.42) 52.9 (8.92) 0.004 0.199 0.51
49.8 (11.0) 49.7 (9.05) 48.47 (9.42) 52.1 (10.2)

Results of questionnaires and PPS before and at three months follow up in subjects from active and treatment as usual groups. Only statistical analyses using ITT data are presented.

ITT: intention to treat; PP: per protocol; TAU: treatment as usual; MDI: major depression inventory; PPS: pressure pain sensitivity; CSS: Clinical stress signs.

*) Forty-two participants had MDI≥15 at baseline. Twenty-one were randomized to active and 21 to TAU group. Thirty-six participants, 18 active and 18 controls completed the study.

**) Fifty-nine patients had PPS>81 and CSS≥8 at baseline, corresponding to the highest 50% of both PPS and of CSS. Twenty-nine

were allocated to active treatment and 30 to TAU, of whom 24 and 26, respectively, completed the study.