Data set 1.
Column label | Column description |
scientificName | The taxon for which the information was recorded. |
scientificNameAuthorship | The author and year of the taxon for which the information was recorded. |
acceptedNameUsage | Currently accepted name and authorship of the scientificName (as stored in the Polytraits database – information might not be up to date with the latest taxonomic literature in some cases). |
taxonomicStatus | The status of the use of the scientificName (e.g. objective synonym, subjective synonym) as stored in the Polytraits database. Empty if scientificName is the currently accepted name. |
MeasurementOrFact | Unique Resource Identifier pointing to the definition of a biological trait. |
measurementValue | Unique Resource Identifier pointing to the definition of a modality (trait category) which is expressed by the current taxon. |
dcterms:bibliographicCitation | Full literature reference (including Digital Object Identifier (DOI) where present) supporting the trait information for the current taxon. |
measurementRemarks | A quotation of the original text passage containing the trait information for the current taxon. |
measurementDeterminedBy | Person who entered the trait information for this taxon into the database. |
measurementDeterminedDate | Date the trait information was entered into the database or last modified. |