Figure 1. Peripheral nerve anatomy and characteristics of primary endoneurial endothelial cells.
A digital photomicrograph of an axial cryostat section of human sciatic nerve stained with fluoresceinated UEA-1 demonstrates the multilayered anatomical organization of peripheral nerves, with blood vessels (BV) within the epineurium and endoneurium indicated (A). A digital phase contrast photomicrograph demonstrates confluent, spindle-shaped pHEndECs six days after being cultured on rat tail collagen-coated CellBIND® tissue culture plates at the onset of a flow-dependent leukocyte trafficking assay (B). Proliferating pHEndECs strongly bind UEA-1, as expected for human vascular endothelial cells (C) with more intense perinuclear staining seen at higher magnification (D), as shown by these direct immunocytochemistry digital photomicrographs of fixed cells cultured on rat-tail collagen coated glass coverslips. Intracellular vWF expression, another marker of vascular endothelial cells, is demonstrated on fixed, permeabilized proliferating pHEndEC cultures grown on rat-tail collagen coated glass coverslips (E), with intracellular perinuclear expression verified at higher magnification (F), based on these digital indirect immunocytochemistry photomicrographs. Scale bars 100 µm for 1A–C and 1E, 5 µm for 1D and 1F.