Transverse sections of mature proximal parts of representative species of the perianth-bearing Piperales: (A) Aristolochia gigantea (climber); (B) A. leuconeura (climber); (C) A. grandiflora (climber); (D) A. ovalifolia (climber); (E) A. baetica (climber); (F) A. clematitis (herb); (G) A. triactina (climber); (H) A. tomentosa (climber); (I) A. serpentaria (herb); as well as (J) Thottea siliquosa (shrub); (K) Hydnora visseri (underground parasite); (L) H. longicollis (underground parasite); (M) Lactoris fernandeziana (shrub); (N) Asarum cardiophyllum (herb); and (O) Saruma henryi (herb). Sections A, C–J and L–O are stained with carmine-green, section B is stained with phloroglucinol-HCl (lignified tissues in red) and section K is stained with Astra blue-Safranin (non-lignified tissues in blue, lignified tissues in dark red); c, cork; f, fibre ring; p, pith; r, wood ray. Scale bars = 1000 μm.