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. 2014 Apr 15;113(7):1155–1173. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcu045

Table 1.

Comparison of floral secretory tissue in investigated taxa

Character Gomesa longipes (Lindl.) M.W. Chase & N.H. Williams Vitekorchis excavata (Lindl.) Romowicz & Szlach Oncidium heteranthum Poepp. & Endl. var. album Cyrtochilum meirax (Rchb.f.) Dalström
Position and type of elaiophore Callus
No obvious elaiophore

Oil-like, but seemingly less viscid and more volatile
Appearance of secretion Wax-like and heterogeneous Wax-like Oil-like
Type of secretory tissue Cuboidal epidermal cells, trichomes and papillae Cuboidal epidermal cells, trichomes and papillae Cuboidal epidermal cells, trichomes and papillae Cuboidal epidermal cells
Secretory residue visible under SEM + + Fertile flower +
Sterile flower
Type of epidermal cuticle Smooth Striate Fertile flower Striate
Sterile flower Smooth
Finely striate
Cuticular blisters Fertile flower +
Sterile flower
Subcuticular accumulation of secretion + Fertile flower +
Cell wall protuberances + Fertile flower
Secretion or vesicles present in wall or periplasmic space + + Fertile flower +
Endoplasmic reticulum Mainly SER Mainly SER Fertile flower Mainly RER Mainly RER
Plastids Amyloplasts with
starch, plastoglobuli and poorly developed internal membranes
Amyloplasts with
starch, plastoglobuli and poorly developed internal membranes
Fertile flower Amyloplasts with starch, plastoglobuli and poorly developed internal membranes, but also chromoplasts
Sterile flower Amyloplasts as above
Amyloplasts with
starch, plastoglobuli and poorly developed internal membranes, but also oil-laden elaioplasts
Cytoplasmic lipid droplets + + Fertile flower +
Sterile flower +
+, but also irregularly shaped osmiophilic bodies
Intravacuolar membranes Myelin-like figures present Membranous enclaves, but highly organized myelin-like figures absent Fertile flower Membranous enclaves, but highly organized myelin-like figures absent
Sterile flower Myelin-like figures absent
Myelin-like figures absent