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. 2014 May 22;8(5):e2747. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002747

Table 4. Trypanosome stabilates characterized using PCR, procyclic transmission test, and isoenzyme techniques.

Technique used in the characterization
Species of tryps Number of stabilates PCR Procyclic Transmission Test (PTT) Isoenzyme References
T. evansi 32 (35%) + + + [8][11]
T. vivax 9 (4%) - - + [12]
T. b. gambiense 17 (35%) + - + [7], [11], [13]
T. b. rhodesiense 25 (5%) + - + [14], [15]
T. simiae 1 (33%) + - - [16]
T. brucei 274 (45%) + + - [17], [18]

Key: +  =  test was performed; -  =  test was not performed; numbers in parentheses  =  total number of stabilates in the cryobank.