Activation of TRPV4 in astrocytes enhances synaptic activity. A, co-culture of TRPV4KO neurons with WT or TRPV4KO astrocytes to analyze the physiological significance of TRPV4 signaling in astrocytes. B, quantification of the amplitudes of mEPSCs in cultures with WT or TRPV4KO astrocytes (basal conditions or after application of 10 μm 4αPDD). *, p < 0.01, t test (versus basal). C, representative traces of a typical experiment that measured mEPSCs in cultures with WT or TRPV4KO astrocytes at a holding potential of −60 mV (n = 16 for each genotype). D, quantification of the frequency of mEPSCs in cultures with WT or TRPV4KO astrocytes (basal conditions or after application of 10 μm 4αPDD). *, p < 0.01, t test (versus basal). E, representative traces of mEPSCs in cultures with WT or TRPV4KO astrocytes after application of 10 μm arachidonic acid (AA) at a holding potential of −60 mV. F, representative traces of mEPSCs in hippocampal slices from WT or TRPV4KO mice after localized application of 10 μm arachidonic acid at a holding potential of −60 mV.