of calcein-AM transport. BacMam P-gp baculovirus-transduced
HeLa cells were assayed for calcein-AM transport (A) in the presence
of selected derivatives at 10 μM and (B) in the presence of
increasing concentrations of 11, 12, 14, and 28. (A) Representative histograms show
low, moderate, and high P-gp inhibitory activity of selected thiazole
derivatives. Tariquidar (1 μM), a known inhibitor of P-gp, was
used for comparison. The values shown are the average of two independent
experiments each done in triplicate. (B) Concentration-dependent inhibition
of calcein-AM efflux by selected derivatives was studied. The average
values from two independent experiments each done in triplicate were
plotted and the IC50 values for compounds 11 (filled squares), 12 (filled diamonds), 14 (filled triangles), and 28 (filled circles) are 2.5,
6.5, 16, and 1 μM, respectively.