Figure 4.
Systolic function of intact cardiocytes. A) Protocol: Cells were attached at their base-length to carbon fibers, activated at 2 Hz, and a stretch was imposed during the diastolic interval. Cell Length (top), SL (middle) and stress (bottom). B) Systolic stress of cells held at their base-length. C) Examples showing systolic stress vs. diastolic SL (dSL) and vs. systolic SL (sSL). The slopes of the relations were determined and used as a measurement of the Frank-Starling mechanism. D) Frank-Starling effect calculated from slope of systolic stress-systolic SL (top) and systolic stress-diastolic SL (bottom). Symbols: **p<0.01, ****p<0.0001 vs. wild-type (+/+); #p<0.05, ###p<0.0001 vs. Het (+/−). B–D: 81 cells/13 mice +/+, 85 cells/15 mice +/− and 82 cell/13 mice −/−.