Figure 2.
Expression analysis of human EFR3A. (A) Spatio-temporal mRNA expression of EFR3A in the human brain. Line plots show log2-transformed exon-array signal intensity during prenatal to adult stages. (B)In situ hybridization of EFR3A, using antisense and sense (negative control) probes, in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of 40-year-old human brain. Scale bar, 20 μm. (C) Functional annotation of top 100 genes correlated with EFR3A expression. The dashed line is the threshold for significance, P = 0.05. (D) Distribution of expression correlation coefficients of EFR3A and ASD genes with M12 genes (n = 356) [20]. (E) Distribution of expression correlation coefficients of EFR3A and ASD genes with all brain-expressed genes (n = 15,132) [19]. The homologue EFR3B is shown for comparison and ACTB, a housekeeping gene, is included as a negative control.