Fig. 1.
Functional Vpr expressed endogenously in C8166 cells. a GFP expression in mock-, rAd-vector and rAd-vpr infected groups. Cells with either mock or viral infections were cultured for 24 h. GFP was detected at FL1 channel in flowcytometry and data shown are representative of 3 independent experiments. M1 region shows GFP positive cells. b Representative images of GFP expression in different groups (scale bar = 10 µm), followed by western blotting confirmation of HIV-1 Vpr in C8166 cells. c Cell cycle and cell death of C8166 cells. Cells were stained with propidium iodide and analyzed for DNA content to determine cell populations at 48 and 72 h after mock, rAd-vector and rAd-vpr infection. In the order of increasing DNA content, dead cells are shown in the sub-diploid peaks, G1 phase populations in diploid peaks, S phase cells in the plateau area and G2/M cells in the polyploidy peaks.