Glutamate receptor mRNA and protein were detected in the murine kidney. (A) RT-PCR mRNA analysis of KR (Grik1, Grik2, Grik3, Grik4, and Grik5), AMPAR (Gria1, Gria4-FLIP, and Gria4-FLOP), and NMDAR subtypes (Grin1, Grin2C, and Grin3A) in the kidneys of vehicle- and DA-treated mice. Hippocampal lysates were used as a positive control for each gene product. GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; Hip, hippocampal lysate; V, vehicle. (B) GluK5 and GluK2 expressions were examined by IHC in the renal cortex of kidneys from V- and DA-treated mice. Note the intense tubular staining of GluK5 in both V- and DA-treated kidneys and the predominantly vascular staining of GluK2 in renal tissue. Diaminobenzidine chromogen with hematoxylin counterstain was used. Diluent without antibody was applied to the negative control sections.