Table 3.
Above-ground crop dry matter per spikelet and remobilization of stored assimilates from straw to panicle.
Genotypes | At heading (mg spikelet−1) |
Heading to maturity (mg spikelet−1) |
Entire growing period (mg spikelet−1) |
Remobilized carbon reserve† (%) | TRA‡ | NSC residue (mg g−1 dw) |
Partially filled and unfilled grains (%) |
RM311 | 22.04ns | 11.32b | 33.36b | 30.9b | 0.64b | 106.6a | 31.1a |
RM109 | 21.42 | 13.07a | 34.49b | 48.2a | 0.74ab | 76.4b | 24.9b |
MR219 | 22.83 | 14.22a | 37.05a | 50.5a | 0.82a | 63.5c | 20.8b |
The same letter in a column does not differ at P ≤ 0.05 by LSD; †(nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) in stem at heading − NSC residue in stem at maturity) ÷ NSC in stem at heading × 100; ‡transfer ratio of total assimilates = (panicle dry matter at maturity − panicle dry matter at heading) ÷ [NSC in stem at heading + (plant dry matter at maturity − plant dry matter at heading)]; residue = the amount of NSC remaining in stem at maturity.