Figure 2.
Myeloid PTEN KO diminished liver myeloid cell infiltration and activation in IR. Sham and ischemic liver tissues from PTEN-loxP+/+ (WT) and Lyz-Cre+/− PTEN-loxP+/+ (KO) mice were harvested after 6 and 24h reperfusion. (a) Macrophage and neutrophil infiltrations were analyzed by immunohistological staining with antibodies against F4/80 and Ly6G, respectively in sham, IR livers at 6 and 24h post reperfusion. Arrows indicate positive cells. (b) F4/80+ or Ly6G+ cells were quantitated by counting numbers of positive cess/area. (c) Myeloperoxiase (MPO) activities were also measured in these liver tissues. Representative results of 2 different experiments. N=3-4/group. *p<0.05, **p<0.01.