Figure 7.
PTEN KO macrophages protect livers from IRI. Saline or GdCl3 were administered 24h prior to the start of liver ischemia, as described in the material and methods. Liver IRI was evaluated at 6h post reperfusion by measuring sALT (a) and liver histological analysis (b. H/E stain: Typical areas with edema (E), sinusoidal congestion (SC), cytoplasmic vacuolization (CV) and hepatocellular necrosis (N) were indicated). Liver immune response against IR was determined by quantitative RT-PCR analysis of inflammatory gene expressions in IR livers (c). The ratios of target gene expression levels vs. housekeeping gene HPRT were plotted against different experimental groups. Representative results of 2 different experiments. N=3-4/group. *p<0.05, **p<0.01.