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. 2014 Feb 25;66(3):667–673. doi: 10.1002/art.38283

Table 3.

Pearson correlation coefficients for mean baseline SPARCC MRI scores and baseline disease activity variables*

Variable SI joint score (n = 182) Spine score (n = 181)
BASDAI −0.187 −0.030
ASDAS 0.022 0.123
Total back pain −0.105 −0.069
Patient's global assessment of disease activity −0.096 0.017
BASFI§ −0.105 0.043
Inflammation (morning stiffness) −0.028 <0.001
Nocturnal back pain −0.082 0.063
C-reactive protein (pooled)# 0.094 0.142

MRI = magnetic resonance imaging (see Table2 for other definitions).

P = 0.01.

n = 175 for SI joint score, and n = 174 for spine score.


n = 181 for SI joint score, and n = 180 for spine score.

Mean of items 5 and 6 of the BASDAI.


Includes both standard and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein values.