Figure 8.
Competence regulation in B. subtilis Süel et al. (2006); Süel et al. (2007): (a) Gene circuit controlling competence master regulator protein ComK include a positive feedback loop of autocatalytic synthesis of ComK and negative feedback loop where ComK inhibits synthesis of ComS protein that in turn inhibits degradation of ComK by the ClpP-ClpC-MecA protease complex. (b) phase plane of the model (20) with nullclines (thick solid lines), the vector field (gray arrows) and the stochastic trajectory (thin solid line) showing bursts of competence; (c)the probability of competence initiation Pint grows with the basal expression rate of comK gene (αk, red squares), but is only weakly dependent on the comS expression rate αs (green triangles); (d) Conversely, the duration of the competent state increases with αs but is weakly dependent on αk; (e) Increasing cell size (that putatively reduces intrinsic noise) reduces Pint.