Figure 8.
Haplotype characteristics surrounding HBB. (A) Scatterplot of the number of SNPs against the genetic distance spanned by the longest haplotypes found at 10% in five collections of indigenous populations in Asia, including two from Thailand and China (Indigenous 1: China Wa and Thailand H’Tin, Mlabri, Plang, Karen and Lawa ethnicities; Indigenous 2: Thailand Tai Lue, Tai Yong, Tai Kern and Tai Yuan ethnicities). The corresponding signals that span HBB in the five collections have been represented by triangles. (B) A stacked haplotype plot for Taiwan Ami and Atayal, where the longest haplotype around HBB at each core haplotype frequency from 5% to 95% in increments of 5% is illustrated. (C) A similar stacked haplotype plot around HBB for Malaysia Negrito. (D) A comparison of the longest haplotype forms around HBB present at 10% in Malaysia Negrito and Taiwan Ami and Atayal samples, where the discordant positions between the two haplotype forms are illustrated in the top panel.