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. 2014 May 19;6:253–268. doi: 10.2147/CEOR.S63187

Table 1.

General ischemic heart disease

Reference Inclusion/exclusion Intervention/Subgroup n Mean age, years Gender (% male) Time point PL SAQ
Bainey et al31 (I) Diagnosed with IHD. 1. South Asians 635 62.1 77.9 1 year 75.0 (0.91) 77.0 (1.11) 86.0 (0.91) 86.0 (0.75) 71.0 (0.95) 0.852 (0.84–0.86)
2. Europeans 18,934 63.5 74.0 1 year 80.0 (0.44) 77.0 (0.52) 88.0 (0.38) 89.0 (0.30) 76.0 (0.40) 0.877 (0.87–0.88)
Broddadottir et al30 (I) Women with IHD who consented to participate in the study. 1. All ages 437 66.4 0.0 Baseline 56.4 (1.12) 75.8 (1.45) 76.7 (1.23) 85.9 (0.78) 59.7 (1.13) 0.781 (0.77–0.79)
2. Age 32–59 years 133 52.3 0.0 Baseline 57.4 (2.02) 72.9 (2.66) 72.1 (2.18) 82.0 (1.66) 52.5 (2.06) 0.760 (0.75–0.78)
3. Age 60–74 years 190 68.2 0.0 Baseline 60.0 (1.70) 77.7 (2.26) 79.0 (1.93) 87.7 (1.10) 62.8 (1.71) 0.797 (0.78–0.81)
4. Age 75–88 years 114 79.6 0.0 Baseline 48.8 (2.06) 76.6 (2.70) 78.2 (2.28) 87.8 (1.24) 63.2 (2.06) 0.776 (0.76–0.79)
Leung et al47 (I) IHD and eligible for cardiac rehabilitation. 1. All patients 1,056 66.3 71.8 9 months 61.7 (0.64) 75.1 (0.91) 86.9 (0.67) 78.7 (0.78) 67.3 (0.84) 0.816 (0.81–0.83)
2. No rehabilitation 725 66.9 70.1 9 months 59.0 (0.81) 71.4 (1.14) 84.8 (0.87) 76.5 (0.99) 65.6 (1.01) 0.805 (0.79–0.82)
3. Rehabilitation <6 months 148 63.3 71.9 9 months 68.9 (1.19) 83.1 (2.09) 90.9 (1.42) 85.5 (1.56) 72.4 (2.09) 0.847 (0.83–0.86)
4. Rehabilitation >6 months 183 65.7 72.0 9 months 66.7 (1.29) 83.3 (1.81) 91.7 (1.02) 82.0 (1.73) 69.7 (2.06) 0.836 (0.82–0.85)
Ohldin et al20 (I) Veterans, IHD: self-reported angina, history of myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease, or a coronary artery revascularization procedure on the screening questionnaire. 1. Caucasians 6,704 66.3 98.3 Baseline 50.8 (0.32) 56.2 (0.33) 76.5 (0.29) 83.0 (0.25) 63.0 (0.31) 0.781 (0.77–0.79)
2. African Americans 1,281 64.0 98.6 Baseline 51.9 (0.72) 57.6 (0.85) 76.0 (0.69) 77.6 (0.70) 58.5 (0.77) 0.769 (0.76–0.78)
Fathi et al24 (I) Angina, symptomatic IHD, unsuitable for revascularization. (E) LVEF <30%, could not comply with follow-up, had a condition that precluded the performance of stress testing, and had compromised life expectancy. 1. Usual therapy of lipids (target LDL <116) 30 63.4 80.0 Baseline 59.0 (4.74) 57.0 (6.20) 64.0 (5.47) 85.0 (2.73) 59.0 (4.38) 0.775 (0.74–0.81)
12 weeks 58.0 (4.92) 64.0 (4.74) 65.0 (5.84) 82.0 (3.28) 57.0 (4.56) 0.767 (0.74–0.80)
2. A ggressive lipid reduction/target LDL <77 30 63.9 77.0 Baseline 67.0 (4.56) 64.0 (4.92) 72.0 (5.84) 92.0 (2.55) 60.0 (4.92) 0.802 (0.77–0.83)
12 weeks 73.0 (4.19) 78.0 (5.29) 80.0 (4.56) 91.0 (1.82) 70.0 (4.01) 0.842 (0.81–0.87)
Moore et al25 (I) Refractory angina (rejected for revascularization) and referred to refractory angina clinic. Refractory angina program 69 62.3 81.0 Baseline 25.2 (1.49) 32.8 (2.85) 26.9 (2.32) 62.8 (2.80) 31.3 (2.38) 0.605 (0.58–0.63)
1 year 27.7 (1.73) 43.5 (3.32) 37.7 (2.78) 72.0 (2.78) 42.9 (3.17) 0.649 (0.63–0.67)
Spertus et al12 (I) Chronic, stable, symptomatic IHD, documented history of coronary disease (prior MI, coronary revascularization, or history of typical angina pectoris), taking at least 2 regular antiangina medications for control of symptoms.
(E) Hospitalizations within 4 months, aortic stenosis, EF <40%, sick sinus syndrome, advanced heart block, or other significant comorbidity limiting life expectancy.
1. Usual antianginal medications 49 64.6 NA Baseline 54.2 (3.61) 57.1 (3.41) 66.9 (3.52) 83.6 (2.07) 55.3 (3.14) 0.760 (0.74–0.78)
2. Long-acting diltiazem ± nitroglycerin patches ± atenolol 51 65.3 NA Baseline 48.9 (3.05) 50.5 (3.01) 56.7 (3.87) 80.6 (2.31) 48.7 (2.99) 0.724 (0.70–0.75)
Beltrame et al13 (I) Stable angina. Not required to have ongoing angina symptoms. 2,031 71.0 64.0 Baseline 70.0 (0.62) 63.0 (0.59) 84.0 (0.51) 90.0 (0.31) 70.0 (0.54) 0.843 (0.84–0.85)
Makolkin and Osadchiy14 (I) Stable angina with average of >3 angina attacks/week, 1–2 antianginal agents with hemodynamic action at stable doses at the time of inclusion for ≥3 months.
(E) NYHA class ≥II, unstable angina, recent MI or stroke within 6 months, severe arrhythmia or conduction impairment.
Trimetazidine and conventional therapy 846 58.7 61.0 Baseline 50.7 (0.70) 57.6 (0.90) 33.3 (0.70) 62.3 (0.70) 36.7 (0.60) 0.667 (0.65–0.68)
8 weeks 61.0 (0.60) 92.5 (0.70) 55.6 (0.80) 77.4 (0.50) 55.5 (0.70) 0.751 (0.74–0.76)
Stone et al15 (I) Age ≥18 years, chronic stable angina and ≥3 episodes of angina/week despite treatment with 10 mg of amlodipine.
(E) NYHA class IV CHF, prior MI, unstable angina within 2 months, active acute myocarditis, pericarditis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, uncontrolled hypertension, history of torsades de pointes, agents to prolong QTc interval, QTc interval ≥500 msec, receiving inhibitors of cytochrome P450-3A4, hepatic disease, creatinine clearance <30 mL/min, chronic illness likely to interfere with protocol compliance, taking any digitalis preparation, perhexiline, trimetazidine, beta-blockers, or calcium channel blockers other than amlodipine, proscribed antianginal medications within 4 weeks before initiation of the study drug, participation in another investigative trial within 30 days before study start.
1. Placebo + amlodipine 283 61.3 73.0 Baseline 48.9 (1.02) 57.2 (1.05) 40.0 (0.88) 75.4 (0.83) 41.5 (1.05) 0.687 (0.67–0.70)
2. Ranolazine + amlodipine 281 62.0 72.0 Baseline 49.2 (1.03) 54.7 (1.07) 40.6 (0.78) 74.6 (0.85) 41.6 (1.02) 0.688 (0.68–0.70)
Maxwell et al16 (I) CCS II and III stable angina and ≥1 mm ST depression during treadmill exercise testing before achieving 14.5 Mets.
(E) Unstable angina, MI, major surgery or angioplasty within the past 3 months, symptomatic HF, impaired renal or hepatic function, or any other systemic illness, congenital heart disease, valvular heart disease, atrial fibrillation, uncontrolled hypertension, type 1 diabetes, diseases other than IHD that would interfere with treadmill testing.
Dietary management (2 L-arginine-enriched nutrient bars/day) 36 65.9 77.8 Baseline 60.0 (2.33) 54.0 (2.66) 64.0 (3.50) 70.0 (3.16) 53.0 (3.33) 0.758 (0.74–0.78)
1. 2 weeks of dietary management 64.0 (2.50) 67.0 (3.66) 67.0 (3.16) 77.0 (2.50) 61.0 (2.66) 0.787 (0.77–0.81)
2. 2 weeks of placebo 60.0 (3.50) 60.0 (3.66) 66.0 (4.00) 70.0 (3.83) 56.0 (3.83) 0.766 (0.74–0.79)
Deaton et al17 (I) Stable, symptomatic IHD and coronary anatomy suitable for PCI. 1. Diabetic 320 62.0 84.0 Baseline 60.0 (1.48) 49.0 (1.84) 64.0 (1.56) 83.0 (1.17) 47.0 (1.45) 0.750 (0.74–0.76)
2. Nondiabetic 693 61.0 85.0 Baseline 65.0 (1.02) 51.0 (1.29) 66.0 (1.02) 85.0 (0.75) 49.0 (0.98) 0.767 (0.76–0.78)
de Jong-Watt et al54 (I) Elective, first time coronary angiogram, planned angiography date 3–8 weeks from the time of referral, understand written or spoken English.
(E) Previous coronary angiography, CABG surgery, PCI, or other cardiac procedures such as valve surgery, awaiting coronary angiography in hospital.
Coronary angiogram 42 64.6 67.5 Baseline 60.0 (4.29) 46.3 (3.95) 57.5 (4.67) 83.1 (2.55) 47.7 (3.63) 0.746 (0.72–0.77)
1 week pre-angiography 57.7 (4.29) 48.8 (3.99) 54.3 (4.58) 79.4 (2.75) 42.3 (3.36) 0.724 (0.70–0.75)

Note: SAQ values include standard error; EQ-5D values include 95% confidence intervals.

Abbreviations: I, inclusion criteria; E, exclusion criteria; EF, ejection fraction; IHD, ischemic heart disease; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; MI, myocardial infarction; NYHA class, New York Heart Association classification; CHF, congestive heart failure; Mets, metabolic equivalents; HF, heart failure; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CCS, Canadian Cardiovascular Society; NA, not available; SAQ, Seattle Angina Questionnaire; PL, physical limitation; TS, treatment satisfaction; AF, angina frequency; AS, angina stability; DP, disease perception; EQ-5D, European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions; QTc, corrected QT.

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